Irreparable RPG OOC

April 5th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


April 5th, 2010

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Looking at my list I was thinking... I haven't played a terrible person in a while. All of my characters are good people. I miss being horrid. So here is Eddie Carmichael. Eddie is a smooth-talker, a Ravenclaw alumni. He runs the morning show on the WWN and commentates Quidditch games for broadcast as well. Between the WWN ads where he's naked behind a desk and his Quality Quidditch Supplies campaigns, Eddie is a familiar face to most who frequent Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. His radio show features a lot of weird trivia, too.

Now, as for his character: He's a half-blood, but he was raised wholly muggle because his mum walked out on him when he was a baby. His father is a used car salesman from Cornwall and so Eddie has a lot of that tricky charm. He has little to no respect for women and his personality is defined by the dark triad, narcissism, Machiavellian-ism, and psychopathy. Basically he's completely full of himself and focused on what pleases him. What pleases him, as per his Ravenclaw nature, is a challenge. He needs something or someone to outwit. He is willing to say or do anything, no matter how deceptive, to get what he wants, and because of the psychopathy part, he feels no remorse and is very good at making most people think he's a stand-up kind of guy.

That means that unless we decide on a history or something happens in plot to inform your character otherwise, nobody but Penny's kneazle Bastet should have any reason to think he's anything but a friendly, funny guy. Of course I'd love plots that give your characters a reason to hate him.

I think that is all you need to know. Oh, also I'd like, if possible, to fill out a pureblood half-sibling part. Basically it would need to be someone at least a year older or a year younger than Eddie (he's Sept 1978). His mum was bored in her pureblood marriage and took off, shacked up with Eddie's Dad, had a baby, and then left to go back to her comfortable life. I assume her family took her back and claimed she was in France visiting family because they didn't want the scandal. They could know or not know about Eddie, but Eddie did track down his mother during the war so she could testify that he came by magic blood honestly and avoid being jailed for stealing magic.

Friends? Enemies? Lovers?

Nimbuschick on AIM.

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So we're evil and plotting.


We need a volunteer character to get hurt this coming weekend. Badly. Please leave a comment in the drop box with the appropriate character journal with the extent to which you are willing to have your character injured.

We'll discuss and let you know what the plan is.
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