Irreparable RPG OOC

March 28th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


March 28th, 2010

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OKAY HI. I just wanted to let y'all know I am back and ready for some action.

To all seven million new people that showed up during the one week I was out of state: HI. My name is Kelsey. I play Penny Clearwater. I am mod #2. You can IM me @ illusory reality to plot, question or chat me up. I figured it would be easier for me to make one post than to go back and comment on every new character's post. :>

I literally just got back from Florida an hour or so ago and I have pictures of the development of the Harry Potter area of Universal Studios...woo! I'll upload those later. Kbye.

I'm about to clog up the OOC with a survey!

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Hi guuuuys, it's Steph (that new person!). I'm here to make your brains explode! I'm not even in the game for a week and I'm SO DEMANDING! Sorry. :|

So, as an English major, I have to do some really boring research papers. But luckily for me, I get to pick the topic and somehow relate it back to literacy. So naturally, I picked roleplay.

I'm doing a research paper on the usefulness of online roleplay in the classroom as a means to teaching in the Creative Writing field. I finally got all the boring 'what we already know about this topic' crap done, and now it's my turn to conduct my own research! This is where I need you! (YES ALL OF YOU!)

As a supplement to my research, I have created a semi-boring sounding, but very important survey on roleplay and I need actual roleplayers to fill it out. Neat, yeah?

There's a disclaimer on page that the answers are anonymous, but ARE being used for the research so please PLEASE answers completely (just saying yes or no really doesn't help me) and giving examples are great -- little stories, whatever. That might make it a long thing to fill out but I would SUPER APPRECIATE IT IF YOU DO <3 Granted, the last question does ask for examples of your writing, so if you want to keep yourself SUPER ANONYMOUS and don't feel comfortable with me using an analysis of your writing in my paper, then you don't have to worry about filling that part out.

I know it's in the disclaimer in the survey, but I will use the results to synthesize and use as evidence to support my claim so.. yeah. That's all.


I ♥ you guys. Also, feel free (SRSLY) to link this survey to other games you may be in? I could use as many answers as possible!


.. sorry if you've seen this post a couple times today *coughcough*Missy*cough*.
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