Irreparable RPG OOC

March 24th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


March 24th, 2010

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Ugh, okay, so... brief slowness. :( Our modem isn't communicating with our router, or something, which means I can only get on if I'm plugged in... and wires dangling across the living room for Alice to tug on is no good. So I'll be sans interwebs for a little bit. (Or only on while Alice is napping, and on my phone to tag and aim while she's awake.) I've got the interwebs on the dinosaur computer in the kitchen, so I might be on in there... but the kitchen is NOT babyproof, so I can't stay in there for too long.

Long story short, I'll be slow to tag. (Tagging from my phone, FTL. T_T) Please have some patience with me, and my default icons. And it'll be even slower for me to tag friends-locked entries.



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Hi everyone! It's Aurora with a second character: Pansy Parkinson. She was once the Queen Bee of Slytherin, but now she's...not. Her father was discovered to be a DE supporter (he smuggled dark items for them through his import/export business); he was arrested; their very bountiful fortune was frozen; and her mother is pretty much a potions addict at this point because she doesn't want to deal with the reality of being poor.

...leaving Pansy to fend for herself. Which she's doing by hooking up with rich men. When she can.

So, uh, she's not very happy right now, but she's still Pansy, and she's still very proud. Even though she's just a HO.

Frenemies? Hit me!

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Hi dudes! (or dudettes!) I'm Stephanie and I'm super brand new bringing Katie Bell into mix! She wrote a bit for Witch Weekly until she decided Quidditch PR was more her style. There's more info in her bio to read but YAY! I am super excited to be here.

I would write more, but I am SEVERELY DISTRACTED by Chace Crawford on Gossip Girl right now. You can contact me on AIM (aIl she says is) and/or email: for plotting and all that fun stuff. Really, really!
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