Irreparable RPG OOC

February 17th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


February 17th, 2010

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If you haven't looked, we have a Storylines page that is meant to give people ideas of what we're looking for. It's a good way to make sure people who have no specific preference for who to pick up know who would get plot immediately, and if we can really get it working it can give characters already in game some ideas of where to go next.

It's going to be getting a makeover soon, but it needs more content. Here's what I could use from you.

What are you looking for? Friends? Someone from your backstory? A specific plot in the future? Let us know what you need so we can advertise for it.

What ideas are you willing to give away? Have any ideas that don't quite fit your character for plots? Think of a scene that would be fun and dramatic but you don't want to hoard it for yourself? Spit it out and if it seems like it could work for a number of characters, we'll post it!

I want this to be a great resource for plot so that I can link it in our ads. So give us your feedback and see what plots blossom from it.
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