Irreparable RPG

July 1st, 2010

July 1st, 2010

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WHO: Ginny Potter, Harry Potter, Hannah Abbott-Andrews, Hermione Weasley, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Lizzie Andrews (NPC), and Teddy Lupin (NPC)
WHEN: July 1, 2004
WHERE: The Potter Compound
STATUS: Incomplete
SUMMARY: Ron wanted to use the pool, Hannah and Lizzie temporarily moved in, Hermione came with Ron, Teddy sort of lives there, Harry and Ginny own the house. No one knows how Neville came to be there, but there is a pool party regardless!

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who; Ade and Katie
what; beers, bacon, bitching... and underpants
where; Katie's
when; June 30, late night
rating; NSFW

If there was anyone who could understand him, it was the little blonde he was with. )
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