Irreparable RPG

March 9th, 2010

March 9th, 2010

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WHO: Ginny Weasley, and various Holyhead Harpie NPCS
WHEN: March 9, 2005; Late afternoon
WHERE: Holyhead Harpie Stadium, Holyhead Island, Wales
RATING: PG-13 for violence
STATUS: Log/Complete
SUMMARY: Quidditch practice goes horribly, horribly wrong.

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Mass Owling to Hermione and the Weasley Kids

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There's been an incident at Holyhead Island. Someone reported seeing Rabastan Lestrange just before some kind of potion-induced explosion went off. I haven't heard from Ginny but I'm on my way there to find out what's going on. We may have scared him out of the woodwork, which is a very bad thing. My first priority right now is making sure Ginny is Okay.

Please fold this up and give it back to Pallas. She has orders to deliver it to the whole family. Someone needs to keep Molly away from the wireless until we know more. I'll keep you updated.


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WHO: Ginny Weasley, NPC Molly Weasley, Harry Potter, OPEN TO WEASLEYS AND FRIENDS (Hermione!)
WHEN: March 10, 2005; Early morning
WHERE: St. Mungo's
STATUS: Incomplete
SUMMARY: The Weasleys take over St. Mungo's....poor St. Mungo's....

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