The IronMan Seven

Can You Make It To The Finish Line?



August 19th, 2007

Rules and such

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Thank you so much for joining us on this ride! I'm hoping to see you all crossing our virtual finish line in seven weeks.

  • Everything is welcome — gen, het, slash or femslash.
  • Please read each challenge carefully.
  • Each posting must stand alone. You can call them parts of a whole, but they must be readable and understandable individually, by themselves.
  • Please place your smutty piece behind cut tags and LABEL your fic or art. Your kink may be someone else's squick. Be courteous and give them fair warning. Then wash your hands.
  • Post the ficbit or ficlet to the community, not just a link to your LJ. This is so that if you should for some reason decide to delete your LJ, we still have the post and readers can continue to enjoy your work (w/ your permission, of course).
  • ironman7 is intended to be a test of endurance. We are expecting you to post one ficbit/ficlet per day over five days. No binge posting please.

Posting Template: (For Archiving Purposes)

Subject Line: fandom (pairing) [week - prompt #]

Body --
Word Count: (optional)
Summary: (if applicable)
Author's Notes: (if applicable)

Let the games begin.

Creativity is a most wonderful thing. So feel free to interpret each prompt however you wish.
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