The IronMan Seven

Can You Make It To The Finish Line?



September 28th, 2007

Gundam Wing (1x2) [Week 6, Prompt 1]

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Title: Something Like Permission
Author: [info]lanerose
Rating: PG14
Word Count: ~450
Summary: Trapped together in a cell, Heero and Duo find a way to... pass the time.

Something Like Permission )

August 24th, 2007

Gundam Wing (Duo)[week 1 - prompt 3]

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Title: Truths
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR13
Warnings: pottymouth
Word Count: 454
Author’s notes: This prompt screamed “Duo” to me because of his mantra “I run, I hide, I never tell a lie”. Style wise, I wanted to try a dialogue format, but realised that adding the other sides in could get very messy, so I just recorded Duo’s side. I think it works.”Everyone )

August 22nd, 2007

Gundam Wing (Duo Maxwell) [Week 1 - Prompt #2]

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Title: Rebuilding Hope
Author: [info]trio
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 272
Summary: Duo realizes just what pain the war caused.
Author's Notes: n/a

Duo Maxwell, pilot of Deathscythe, had known his job in the war was going to be hard. )
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