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July 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

What's up Invincible! Ryan coming atcha with two new characters. Be gentle.

First is Gregory Kim at this journal, codename 'Philistine'. Gregory is a meticulous, judgmental dude who loves classical music, fine dining, and other high-brow hobbies. He was a classical pianist till his power manifested and he smashed his piano and terrorized his audience after flubbing a note. He has the ability to 'devolve' into a tough, ferocious primal version of himself who's all id. He's absolutely mortified by his power and mostly serves as an agent because letting 'Greg' out from time to time means fewer accidental manifestations in times of stress. He doesn't like most people and is quite vocal about it. He is on Team Red.

Second is Percival 'Percy' Rathborne at [info]drillsarge. He's a Field Agent with Team Green, so pity them. He has a long history with the US Army, notably as a drill sergeant, and he applies the same tactics with his team. He's loud, mean, and an enthusiastic supporter of using supers as WMDs for the betterment of the US of A. God help you if you call him anything other than 'Rathborne'. Some of you may recognize him from former NPCish days, and as such will understand that this is his dream job.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some backreading to do. In the meantime hit me with yo plot!



[No Subject]

What? Dana made a third character? I was totally encouraged. But this is my max for a game and I will acknowledge that. :)

So here we have Nova Watts, 27 years old from New York. New about a month ago. She works at Brewed Awakenings and is a Metahuman Resident. She has an attitude, total chip on her shoulder. She is a bit against how things have happened for her as she was raised in a facility thanks to her meta parents who are a Beta and an Alpha. They are kind of disappointed because..... Nova here is a Delta. She creates glitter. WOOT. Not. She hates it and she would rather have been normal. She will leave glitter around at random and on accident. She has control mostly but she has never worked to make that control perfect. She can produce all the colours of the rainbow but the colour often depends on her mood unless she is focused.

So who wants to be her friend? Haha Anyone. I am really open to just about anything.

Oh and her codename is Disco.