October 2015



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June 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

WHOO. Okay, hi! I'm Kat/[info]slowpoke (most of you probably know me as Katie: I'm the same person, now with less vowels!). I'm 24, ridiculously awkward, easily confused, and a big ball of anxious energy. I have a hamster named Tyrion and he says hello. I'm out of facts about myself, so on to the main course! I've got two characters here, and they would like your lines, please and thank you!

First off is Benjamin Ballard, aka Salty, here at [info]nacl. He's a twenty-year-old delta whose power is salt generation, and yeah, he finds that about as impressive as you do :| Do you like self-deprecating humor? Are you looking for a friend with as much self-esteem as he has self-hatred? Do you, for some ungodly reason, like salt? You'll get on fine with him! Anyone who isn't friends with him probably knows him only as Salty (closer types will know his name is Benjamin, or that he goes by Benjy) but might actually know who he is: he works as a line cook, will always give a humorless smile even if you're being a dick, and is that guy you kind of expect to always be doing the same thing forever. And maybe he will be. He only got here two years ago, but that's long enough.

Lines for Salty? )

Second and final is Violet Moore, aka Fortune, at [info]fortunate. I know, I'm creative. She's a twenty-eight-year-old gamma whose power is probability manipulation, and who's on the violet field team (she laughed herself silly when she found out her assignment, just like I did). If you know her long-time boyfriend Isaac Heath it's likely you know her as well. Please don't drop hints about marriage. She's heard them all before. She's a brash and playful thing, probably annoys the more uptight agents, and is pretty well-fixated on keeping safe what's hers. She was more idealistic when she arrived but she becomes more and more a cynic every day, especially re: the DMS. The "putting down" of Stonewall is only the most recent incident sending up the hair on the back of her neck.

Lines for Violet? )



[No Subject]

HELLO, MY PRETTIES, HELLOOOOOOOOOO! Welcome to DAY 1 of MEME WEEK! Just five days until this shindig gets started, and we are so excited! We just can't hide it! We're about to lose control, and, personally, I think I like it.

So, for our first meme:
What are FIVE things everyone in the facility knows about you?

Make it good. Make it juicy. Annnnnnnnd go!



[No Subject]

Hello all! Now that I have all my characters is, I figured I would introduce myself. I am Jillian/~acejillian and I am happy to play with all of you whom I know and don't know! I am in my early 30s, the mother of 2 year old twin girls, and I make salt for a living (I'll be feeing Kat salt!facts). I also play 2 characters here:

This journal belongs to Isaac Heath, who is going to be 30 this year. He's from Boston originally, but he got busted using his power of Door Manipulation while in his statistics class at Northwestern. He's been an Operative for the last 2 years because even though his moral code is flexible, he comes from an adoptive family of do-gooders. He is a very confident individual, even moreso when he is around his long-time girlfriend Violet, with a passion for basketball and board games.

I also have Lincoln Sutherland ([info]themissinglinc) former Seattle operative and current English teacher. He has three kids by his ex-wife, who are all currently living in Minneapolis DMS (his eldest daughter, Margaret, would be 18 and available for :/ relationship). He cuts a strange figure, with his long limbs from his Simian Physiology, but dresses impeccably when he's not dressing in costume for whatever book he's got his students reading. He produces a play a year at the DMS in late Winter, so that'll be fun. Otherwise, he tends to be pretty quiet; he has yet to really find a niche now that he's not an operative anymore.

All lines welcome, but no pressure -- I'm sure we'll figure something out. I am best reach by email at alinneaelindor@gmail.com!



[No Subject]

Hello! I’m Dea [info]mortalwombat and I know quite a few of you, but I’m excited to get to know the rest! I’m from Illinois, I usually lurk on gchat and I spend far too much time looking at animal gifs. Currently I have three characters to throw at you but let's be real there will be a fourth:

Cut to save your flist )



[No Subject]

Hi, everyone! I'm Larissa, and I've played with many of you, but not all of you, I think. A little about me -- my CDJ is [info]cheekymonkey, I'm from the Charleston area in SC, but I was born in IL and lived there (south of I-80) until I finished college. I have a couple of kids and work part time. That means that sometimes I disappear from AIM even though I'm signed on, so if that's the case I'm probably doing bedtime or bathtime or something. I'm always available over email, though.

On to my character... )



[No Subject]

Hey everyone! I wanted to wait until I had all my apps in before I did my own intro. I'm Loren/[info]helloworld. I am one of many paralegals in Washington, DC, but, fun fact, one of only few who used to figure skate competitively. I also have family roots in Chicagoland and went to Northwestern, so this game hits me right in my Windy City feels (Chicago style pizza = the best, sorry not sorry). I have three characters, two of whom I've been commenting around with, but just so everything is in one place:




[No Subject]

HELLO EVERYONE. i'm jun ([info]mustache) and i know a few of you, maybe more. i just finished getting a bs in biology so now i'm working a few part time jobs in the interim. i'm pretty shy when sending out emails or ims so if i'm quiet on the ooc end, that's why! i don't bite though, promise. i just have one character to introduce: taehun jung, aka tj )

you can read more information in his application, but otherwise, come at me for plotting!! friends, exes, fellow trainees from his time in the otp (both fellow failures and successful operatives pls), coffee shop goers, people he met and forgot, and anything else. i love brainstorming and coming up with random scenarios, so don't be afraid to hit me up. :)