October 2015



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June 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hi all! I had to make the naming thing complicated and change my name like right before the game. I’m Katie, the artist formerly known as Trick (yes I have become Prince), 23 and one of the Brits in GMT+1 (British Summertime, yo). I notice I have people around my timezone here, this fills me with joy. My hobbies include falling into buzzfeed holes, making playlists and flailing. I am at [info]pringle (add me!) and I’m very excited to be here. I have three characters:




[No Subject]

Hello, everyone! My name is Kenzie, and I am currently in Jamaica about to leave this hotel and travel all day. My CDJ is [info]sora, where I invite you to friend me, I'm 25 years old, and I'm an entertainment editor at an online website. But on to my characters.

The Gang )



[No Subject]

Is it weird to post a hiatus notice before game start?

Anyway, I wanted to let y'all know that I will be out of town most of next week, including game start of Saturday. Depending on jet lag and stuff, I will be back either Saturday night replying to try to stay awake or as late as Monday!




Hi everyone! This is Eronn. For those of you that I don't know, my CDJ is over at [info]dundermifflin. I bring three characters right now:

Daniela Flores (this journal): Metahuman Operative on the Violet team! Her metahuman ability is to manipulate bones - both her own as well as other people's. Daniela's mother was also a metahuman operative, and she was killed in action when Daniela was a child. Daniela loves to take care of people and is generally bubbly and cheerful, although don't make the mistake of thinking she's ditzy, because she will not take that shit. If you are looking for a line, I would love for someone to pick up her younger brother, who is around 21 or 22. I'd also love friends and to find her a roommate!

Dr. Claire D. Edwards ([info]quietplease): She works in medical services. Her powers didn't show up until very recently, and she's not too happy about it. She has Enhanced Hearing, which basically means unless you have some power that blocks her, or you are in a really soundproofed area, she can hear you. But trust me, she likes that even less than you do. She's so constantly bombarded by sound that she can barely sort through everything she's hearing, let alone eavesdrop on specific conversations. She had her life all planned out, and her powers completely ruined that. She's also kind of awkward and she hates large gatherings.

Mindee Hartley ([info]roygbiv): 18 years old, been in the facility since she was five. Is still pissed off about being taken away from her mom. Has a definite chip on her shoulder towards everyone. Her power is color manipulation. Yeah, she's locked up for life because she can change colors. Everyone expects her to screw up and end up in jail, but for now she's as "free" as she can be. She tries not to screw with people too much, because she doesn't want to end up in jail because of something stupid like turning someone's teeth green. I would also love to find a roommate for her, maybe another newly-minted 18 year old?



[No Subject]

Hello! I'm Rose. I know some of you and others I'm excited to meet! My CDJ is [info]smoothjazz if that helps anyone place me better. A bit about me: I effing love love animals and have a small but continuously growing zoo at home. I'm back in school working on a Zoology major, slowly but sureeeely~ And by day I work in the office of an elementary school, so I always have a ton of weird kid stories because ... kids are weird.

Anyway, here's my char! )