June 7th, 2008

[info]victoriavale in [info]introtofandom

Please, call me Vicki. Only one person in all the world calls me Victoria and it sets my teeth on edge even when Mom does it. So really--please call me Vicki.

Besides that I don't know quite what to say for myself. Public speaking isn't something I enjoy. So I'll try and be brief. I'm 26 years old. I'm a freelance photojournalist but lately it seems like most of my work is for the Gotham Gazette. When I say photojournalist I mean photojournalist. I'm not one of those paparazzi jerks who stalk celebrities and spend their nights trying to get crotch shots of Paris Hilton. I don't find that kind of photography gratifying. I want to take pictures of events, of moments in time that other people may never get to see. It's all about the moment you're in. Not about the past, or what will happen in the next frame. It's here and now. You just have to keep clicking.

That's what keeps me interested in photography when it's three in the morning and I'm walking the streets talking to hookers and taking pictures of junkies and everything no one wants to see. I'm in ur back alleys changin' ur perception. Or something like that. When I'm not on the streets I'm usually in a dark room.

I know it's kind of in vogue to blame your parents for everything that's messed up with your life, but my parents and I are tight even though I know they'd really prefer it if I'd gone to medical school like they wanted or kept to my original plans and opened an art gallery. They worry. They're afraid. Most of Gotham is afraid nowadays. But you know, after you've been caught up in a civil war and seen guys hack at each other with machetes...Gotham after dark is not so scary.

December 2008

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