May 20th, 2008

[info]danimarie in [info]introtofandom


Hi, I'm Danielle. You probably don't know who I am or much about me and I'm more than okay with that. It's not really my thing to try and attract the most attention in a crowd. Technically, girls like me usually rise way above the crowd but I'm not really interested in that life anymore. Killing demons for a living definitely isn't what I want to do until I'm forty. You know, because I want to live until I'm way past forty.

A lot of people probably won't like the decision, but I'm old enough and independent enough to do just that. Make my own decisions. I tried the slayer thing for a while, figured out what all I could do and while some of it is pretty cool and I'll remember the lessons I learned, I also figured out that it's not what I'm meant to do. Sure, there's the whole destiny thing that I'm sure gets argued till people are in blue in the face, but I don't believe in all of that. Everything isn't predetermined. We make our own choices. See, I did listen during class. Free will is kind of big around these parts. Except when it comes to fulfilling that slayer requirement.

I'm on my own now, trying to figure out where to go from here. I could go back home, but I kind of want to figure out myself away from home, you know? Otherwise I'll just stay stuck in the past or stay the same girl I've always been. That kind of defeats the purpose of this little discovering myself adventure I'm on now.

December 2008

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