April 19th, 2008

[info]justplaytragic in [info]introtofandom


Hey, I'm Rachel. I'm from....well, I'm from here and there and everywhere. My parents moved a lot and I was always getting kicked out of school, so you know. The last place I lived when I was a teenager was Tree Hill, North Carolina and I'll probably always consider that home more than anyplace else but I can't really stay there right now even though my two best friends Mouth and Brooke both live there.

I was working as a model for Clothes Over Bros for awhile so you might have seen me on that billboard in Times Square. Not that I'm famous or anything, I just might as well be. But who cares about that? I'm a really good time. So if you want to have some fun and you have some money to burn? We can be friends. Call me.

I hope to hear from you soon!

[info]wickedprophecy in [info]introtofandom

The Prophecy

Prophecy translation locked deep within the texts of the Conclave.

In the beginning, there was born unto the God of the Dark a child to be his heir. The child, a daughter, was born of a mortal woman chosen for her direct descendance of from the Creators of the World. In the year 5,000 B.C. in what was known as Mesopotamia, this woman of purest blood was chosen to be the vessel that would carry the child of the Dark God beyond the battlefields of the Holy War.

Half-god and half-mortal, she would endure throughout seven millenia until the New Holy War would be brought, shadowing the Earth with death until only the pure remained and a New World would begin. Generations of ill-breeding will be fire cleansed at her hands and then she will reign as sovereign until the true End of Days. Only the one whose power is hidden will be able to deliver the unclean as Her Majesty's rise to the throne of humanity will signal the true Armageddon as is written in the texts of Others for she is their prophecy also.

The Anti Christ will not be born in to this world, but will be reborn as Queen of it when the shroud covers the world and the blood that runs has been purified by the fires of His Holy Darkness's line.

December 2008

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