April 13th, 2008

[info]imafreaknow in [info]introtofandom


All I ever wanted was a normal life. Kinda hard when you come from the family I do. I should've known a long time ago that no matter how hard I tried, nothing in my life would ever be normal. I would never just be that regular guy who goes to college, then law school, gets married and maybe has a couple of kids. That doesn't happen in the Winchester family. My first clue to my freakish existence should've been the day I turned 6 months old when my mom got killed. Or maybe the stuff my dad taught us when most kids should be doing stuff like Little League. The things I learned, no kid should ever have to know about. Things most kids would never believe and should never have to even know exist. But that's the life of a Winchester. The life John Winchester wanted for his sons. Because my dad was never the same after Mom died. He was obsessed with finding the thing that killed her.

I tried to get away from it, didn't speak to my dad or my brother Dean for a long time. I went to school, got myself a girlfriend and tried to get away from that crazy life I'd been raised in. But like I should've known, normal and my family just don't go together. Dean showed up, needing my help because Dad had gone missing and despite my initial reluctance, I gave in and went with him. When I came back, it turns out that yellow eyed demon dad was so obsessed with decided to take someone else away from me. This time my girlfriend, Jess. She was killed the same way my mom was. You could say that changed my outlook on life completely. No more Mr. Normal guy for me. I was ready to devote my life to what my dad had spent his whole life preparing us for.

At least, that's about as much as I can remember right now. Flashforward a few years and I was still here, hunting with Dean, killing those things that go bump in the night. There's a whole lot of things that happened between then and now, but I couldn't tell you those things even if I wanted to. Back in November, something big happened to me. I got kidnapped by some demons and they held me for who knows how long. I can't really remember what day it was when I went missing and I vaguely remember that it was mid-December when a girl came along and pulled me out of the snow. I didn't even think it snowed in LA, but I honestly didn't know where I was at that point. I didn't even know who I was either. Or anything else for that matter. I was just there, barely alive, with absolutely no memory. I had one form of ID on me saying my name was Jimmy Page. So, I kinda went by Jimmy for awhile. Even though, obviously that was some sort of alias. But that's what Carly decided to call me. She's the girl who saved me. And now, well, she's kinda my girlfriend. I don't know where I'd be without her right now. The doctor she took me to explained that it was amnesia and that my memory would have to come back on it's own. It's just started doing that recently. I know who I am and bits and pieces of other things. That's better than nothing right?

So, here's what I remember so far. My name is Sam Winchester, I'm almost 25 years old and I'm a demon hunter (in case you didn't already get that part). I've died once and my brother sold his soul to bring me back. He has (less than) a year to live and up until the time I disappeared, I'd been trying like Hell to figure out a way to get him out of that deal he made. They say there's no way out of it for him. But, I'll find a way, I'll do whatever I have to. I can't lose him, he's my brother and he's the only family I have left. I might need to find him first, but the point is, it's my turn to save him.

December 2008

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