Interns: AN MWPP RPG

July 28th, 2010

Interns: AN MWPP RPG


July 28th, 2010


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Hello everyone! My name is Elle, and I'm a new kid. I have Miriam Strout for you!

Miri is a Hufflepuff alumni from '77. She's a St. Mungo's intern going into her second year, and she likes to think she has the hang of things when really she's still a deer caught in the headlights. She's a very positive and soft-spoken girl, and she loves everyone and everything. She's very emotional and passionate, and is constantly on a mission to save the world, and that includes the littler things, like bugs and trees and things that people don't normally think of. She's a serious romantic and fancies herself an expert match-maker, even though she's not at all. Miri tends to take care of everyone but herself, as she's always trying to please and help out others. She's very naive and trusting, thus easily taken advantage of. Confrontation is not her friend, and any conflict that flares up she tries to resolve immediately. She's essentially the typical Hufflepuff, hard-working, loyal, etc. For more info, check out her bio!

I look forward to playing with you alllll!
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