Interns: AN MWPP RPG

July 11th, 2010

Interns: AN MWPP RPG


July 11th, 2010

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Hello! I'm Chi and this joyful arrogant bit of fluff is Sirius. Sirius is one of those blokes who wants to be in the Order, chomping at the bit to be a hero, mostly because he's never lost anything so the hero business still has a lot of shine.

I've got to post this out quick because I'm hopping a plane to London in a couple hours (how's that for research, eh, eh?) but Sirius is most happy to find his old friends and enemies pretending to be adults in the real world everybody keeps talking about.

How about some former girlfriends? Prank victims? Friendly friends?

Also question: Does everybody (Ministry, Death Eaters, etc.) know about the Order's existence yet? I know in the beginning it was a secret and by Harry's time it was common knowledge, but at what point is it now?


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Greetings and salutations!

Epi here, with Severus Snape, he of greasy hair and overlarge nose.

He's living at Spinner's End (though he hopes that to be a temporary arrangement), he's trying to get a teaching job at Hogwarts (to no avail), and he's freshly branded with a Dark Mark. He likes no one, really, other than Lily - but he pays his respects to those the Dark Lord favors, as every good Death Eater should. I wouldn't trust him very much if I were you.

Looking forward to plotifying with everyone and anyone! Sev is sure to have an opinion about you, whether he likes your or not.

More on him here, for those curious. Best means of contact for me is e-mail ( Thrilled to be here!!

intros are for lovers

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Hey there! My name's Ace, bringing up the rear on the intros today. I'll be playing your friendly neighborhood Remus.

Remus is fresh off of a slew of rejections from internships, dirt broke, but still hopeful he can do some good with the Order and pretend everything is fine job-wise around his friends. His profile is over here. He's got a depressingly blank relationship history but was on pretty good terms with everyone in his house, and is obviously pretty infamous as far as being one of those trouble making Marauders goes. He's always been the most bookish of the foursome anyway, and really prefers blending into the woodwork. Oh, and he'll be disappearing off the face of the earth one day a month due to prior engagements with fuzziness.

I love plot, so feel free to hit me up with some! Friends, enemies, people to give him the death glare when he wanders by (Severus, I see you over there), I'm game.
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