This year, Crosshaven Community Centre opened its doors to magical and muggles members alike. Located in the heart of Godric's Hollow, this unassuming building plays host to community clubs both new and old. First and foremost, Crosshaven is about building a community. The committee welcomes new clubs, and anybody is able to get involved. Artists hosting still life classes cross paths with socialites attending amateur dramatics performances, while muggles are invited to join a community choir. Reusable portkeys allow people to visit any time the centre is open, to meet and mingle.
Opportunities abound, and the wizarding world is changing. Muggles are being offered an unprecedented chance to socialise with their magical counterparts and to learn about the world their magical relatives inhabit. In exchange, muggles can invite witches and wizards into their world, to experience all that 2018 technology has to offer.
Will integrating the muggle relatives who already know about magic bring the community closer together and ensure a peaceful future for the wizarding world? Or will the differences between those who have magic and those who don't be too great to overcome? While some witches and wizards are willing to share their experiences with magic, others hesitate, uncertain where this road will lead. When you invite muggles into the wizarding world, where do you draw the line?