innumerablehues - June 3rd, 2007

About June 3rd, 2007

[round 1] Master List 04:17 pm
This will be crossindexed between LJ and IJ.

round 1 master list )

[round 1] Round 1 Claims & Links 04:19 pm
This is a mirror of the innumerablehues comm over on LJ. I'm mirroring the claims post right now, and extending the claims deadline by a week. The round 1 rules and schedule is up on LJ. I'll mirror it when I have time.

Feel free to claim a prompt via comment! Post the results here, and I'll crosslink a master list between IJ and LJ.

This post is open for claims from May 29th - June 2nd. The rules and schedule for round 1 is here.

In order to claim a prompt, please leave a comment where you paste the entire prompt (or prompts) that you want to claim. I will then reply with a confirmation, and mark the prompt off the list as claimed. It's first come, first served, and one person (or group of collaborators) to a prompt.

All finished works may be posted to the comm at any time up to July 2nd. Written works should be 500 words minimum. Please put art and any adult-rated material behind a cut. (The LJ FAQ for cut tags is here.) Header information is in the rules and schedule, or in the comm userinfo. Claim as many prompts as you want.

Any defaulters will not be allowed to post prompts or take claims in round 2.

The full list of prompts is below the cut, or you can use the following links to jump to the fandom you want.

24 | Babylon 5 | Babysitter's Club | Battlestar Galactica | Bionic Woman | Brokeback Mountain | CSI | Charlie's Angels | Cold Case | Crossover | DC Universe | Da Vinci's Inquest | Degrassi | Doctor Who & Torchwood | Dogma | Eureka | Fables | Farscape | Gateverse | Gray's Anatomy | Harry Potter | Heroes | Highlander | House | Imagine Me and You | Jossverse | Lord of the Rings | NCIS | Painkiller Jane | RPF | Rachel Morgan | Sailor Moon | The Saskiad | Star Trek | Star Wars | Supernatural | Tortall | Veronica Mars | Wicked | The X-Files | X-Men - Comicverse | X-Men - Movieverse

round 1 prompts to claim )
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