September 9th, 2009

[info]misfitreese in [info]innovo_rpg

A Quiet Drink Between Friends

Who: Penny Layne Schwartz-MacCabe and Reese Cameron
When: Wednesday, September 9th 2049
Where: The Record Shop, then local bar
Rating: TBA
Summary: New friends head out for a drink
Status: Incomplete

Reese was starting to get used to having another person working the shop with him. Thankfully he got along with Penny better than he got along with most people. After a few short shifts, he was finding himself comfortable with her and the conversations flowing freely during the dead times.

He was counting out the register at closing time, not particularly looking forward to going home for the night -- his insomnia had been flaring, and he was sick of spending the entire night out on his balcony with nothing but a book and endless cups of tea for company. And oddly enough, he noticed Penny was still hanging around (he had kept with the tradition of letting her go early, letting all the housekeeping stuff be his responsibility), as if unsure what to do with herself now that the night was hers. "You usually take off a little faster than this," he commented, keeping his focus on the cash he was counting.