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Back March 25th, 2009 Forward
[Incomplete] Eriol's Birthday

WHO: Nakuru, Spinel Sun and Eriol;
WHERE: Their house first, then Fay's café;
WHEN: March 23rd
WARNINGS: I assumed brackets log here; if you guys want to switch to a proper log, let me know.
SUMMARY: The Hiiragizawa family goes out for a small birthday celebration of their own.

Yuuko Ichihara [userpic]
[Incomplete] One birthday, two wizards and too many pointy hats.

WHO: Everyone in Midian The Big CLAMP family, extended relatives and friends;
WHERE: The Ichihara-Reed manor, in the backyard;
WHEN: March 23rd, Clow and Eriol's joint birthdays;
WARNINGS: Moar brackets;
SUMMARY: The wizards share a soul and a birthday; nothing better than sharing a birthday party, as well.

[ooc: Why yes, this is a mini character!event, brought to you by the butterfly duo - Yuuko and Nakuru. The rest of my characters will also be around, so don't be surprised if they ramdomly jump on you. :3]

Back March 25th, 2009 Forward