January 2013



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Jan. 21st, 2013


Hey fellers!

I wanted to let you know that Miss Amesies is going to be on hiatus for a little while, expecting on a week or so. She is well, not health related or anything. So, do not worries <3. Just a small break.

But Tabby baby, you can text me here; (347) 500-4237. I trust you all with my numbers because you're all awesome-sauce! So feel free to contact me and lemme know about tags or just how your doing. <3

Dec. 30th, 2012


*Pokes teh Tabby*

Hey Tabby [and Ms.Amesies too because I thought she might be interested], I wanted to ask you for pre-and-post plottage having to do with our current thread with the Reesyn peoples. Specifically having to do with Stephen and Zane and drama and whatsits because I love making things interesting *evil laugh* Mostly was wondering since Stephen is such a stud-muffin if something could be going on, preferably secretly going on between Stephen and Zane that the other band members maybe don't know about because maybe Zane didn't want the other band members thinking she was only made a band member because Stephen wanted to boink her and Stephen just doesn't want people in his business / still has feelings for both Liz and Kali and would think it'd be weird to let people know. But let me know what you guys think and if you're ok with the idea / if you have further ideas / other ideas, I'd love to know! ^_^


Oh! And Ames and I was wondering if you could include Kali HERE. So she can literally put out Edward's fire? LOL If you should sees fit, was thinking that Kali would see a blazing, uncontrolable fire next to her Lizzy- who not looking so good- and wanna put it out and what not.

So lemme know if its ok and what you think.