Dec. 16th, 2011


Hem hem.

This is Dolores Umbridge. She is head of the Muggleborn Commission and is the FORMER Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic. Not that she minds, because the Dark Lord is scary, but since the topic has been mentioned, she thinks that someone who is SANE and actually knows how to do paperwork should be in such an honored position. Dolores might not be a Death Eater, but damn it the trains run on time under HER control.

When she's is not being bitter about losing her job rounding up muggleborns or interrogating halfbloods and blood traitors on suspicion of giving aid and comfort to the enemy, Dolores is really a lovely person. She enjoys crochet, cats, and baking.

So any friends (lol), enemies, or at least business acquaintances are welcome. More about Dolores can be found here. So just hit me up at ambutterf1y on aim or email me at with questions/plot.

Oh yeah, this is Anna by the way!

Dec. 4th, 2011


Hey, all!

I'm Deb, and I am bringing in two characters here. This is Neville, and I also have Lavender at [info]chaevisoes.

A little about me first. I live in the middle of New York state and I'm a wife, mother, systems administrator, writer, and a whole bunch of other things. I already know some of you well, some of you are familiar, and some are new. I'm looking forward to playing with all of you! I can be found online all too often, and feel free to hunt me down via AIM/Y! at tryslora, or on my CDJ, or email me. Even if I'm not on AIM/Y! I might well be on email.

So, this is Neville. You can read about him in full over here on his profile. He is, basically, the Neville you know. He is protective, stronger than he thinks, utterly loyal to his friends and most especially to Harry. When he realized the DA was doing more harm than good, he tried to protect them by slowing down activity against the DEs. When he heard that Harry died, he stopped completely, not wanting to cause more trouble and wanting to plan something new, something when the time would be right. He is living with Gran and trying to keep quietly and very carefully in touch with the DA. He knows Harry is gone but this was Harry's war and it's not over just because Harry can't fight it anymore. He's trying to figure out how to fight it for him, in his memory.

Then there's Lavender, who's profile is available right here. I think she can be best summed up by this passage from her section on friendships: Lavender wants her friends to be fun. Yes, the world might be ending. Yes, the sky might be falling. But still, you canNOT get through it without a smile. And a proper coat of nail varnish.

Lavender's passions aren't all fashion and boys. She loves Divination, of course, and she loves animals. And she adores her friends. She is currently located in Falmouth, working for her family's hotel, helping out her now single mum. Her muggleborn father was killed during the war.

And I'm doing a terrible job of introductions, so I think I shall let the character profiles speak for themselves, and open the floor for questions, thoughts, and discussions of friendships, enemies, and anything else!

Nov. 30th, 2011



Hello everyone! I'm Jessica and I am please to bring you your friendly neighborhood werewolf. Well, as long as you catch him on a good day. At the moment, he's been playing the stay at home dad at his mother-in-law's house in between whatever odd jobs he can find/any possible Order work that peeks its head up/trying to figure out what the heck Dumbledore was planning and having Harry do. And of course, to not wallow completely in guilt about all these people that keep dying around him. His full information can be seen here.

For one plot point, I have it that Remus is getting the wolfsbane potion, but haven't specified who is making it for him yet. He'd prefer it to be someone in the Order(or someone that an Order member trusts) who would possibly do him a favor rather than having to go out and buy it (I would assume SOME place must sell the potion) for various reasons. So anyone who is up to that or wants to even develop that in game is welcome to!

As for me, I'm pretty easily reachable on aim at jenzaquinn or you can email me at for all your plotting needs! I look forward to playing with everyone!


Hi Everyone! I'm Kori and I bring you the lovely Tonks (just don't call her Nymphadora). She is very glad to still be alive and currently she, Remus and Teddy are living with her mother. She's still working as an Auror, though she's not sure how much longer that will last due to the fact that she's not very quiet about her political views. She doesn't like to sit around and do nothing, so she's itching for the Order to actually do something about Voldemort being in charge. You can read more about her here.

As for me, I can generally be found at fllnangel23 on y!m or aim , or you can email me (chaosdancing at gmail ) for game stuff. I look forward to playing and plotting with you all!


Hi guys, it's that time, so we are now officially:


So feel free to post or journal. We do have a list of current events for this week, as well as a Daily Prophet article for everyone to react to. Finally, we'd like to remind everyone to please run the friends button as we've just added Jessica with Remus and Amy with Vladimir Vasiliev.

If anyone has any questions at all, please let us know!

Nov. 28th, 2011


Hello there! I'm Ali, and I'll be bringing you Severus Snape. Severus is... pretty much the same as in the books. He was stuck at the school during the ordeal with Harry at Malfoy Manor, so he thinks the kid's dead, which obviously throws a wrench into Dumbledore's grand plan that he was supposed to be orchestrating. He's kept his position as Headmaster and is still trying to keep the crazy people from utterly overwhelming the school, with very limited success. He's also spending a LOT of time looking through Dumbledore's notes and trying to figure out what clues the man gave Potter that he didn't give to him, in the hopes that the prophecy can just go to hell and someone else can kill Voldemort, too.

I'm up for discussing relationships! ... Mostly working-type relationships because Severus just doesn't have any others. And it's nice to meet you!

Nov. 24th, 2011


Hello everyone!  I am finally getting around to introing Daphne! YIPEE FOR ME!!

But yeah, my name is Ana and I am playing Daphne Greengrass here. I just put a hold in for Susan Bones, so hopefully I will have her too, once I work on her app!!

But yeah, Daphne is 18, a former Slytherin and aspiring wizarding fashion model.  She is best friends with Pansy and Gwen and gets very bitchy if anyone says anything rude about them.  She is not that nice to non-Purists or non Slytherins.  Her sister is still in Hogwarts, so will not be in play, though Daphne does adore her sister and is very protective of her, though it was not always this way.

If you want to know anything else please read her application as it does a good job at describing her!


Hey everyone sorry for the belated intro blame the law textbook I have been buried under the past few days for my exam tomorrow *shudders*. Anyway, I'm Caitlin one of the mods around here :)

At the moment I come bringing three characters

-> First, in this journal, is Pansy. Most will know her as the rude bitch from school and that is not too far from the truth. She has some doubts about herself (don't mention the nose), but it is easy to avoid that by criticising others. She is a proud pureblood something she will happily declare and loves what is happening ro the world. However, she can be friendly to those she deems worthy. Most of the time she really is not that genuine and will just use people and make snide comments. Only a few people she is close to and she can be actually caring towards them. These numbers are limited. In school, she only gained average marks, but gained the Head Girl badge because of her blood status only (she really did not deserve it) and now she has graduated and is trying to put off working for as long as she can. She would rather just find a pure husband to live off.

-> Minerva McGonagall, [info]tabbyprofessor, is known to most as the stern Transfiguration Professor something she is happy to be seen for. She does not tolerate foolishness, but she has a soft heart underneath it all. She has strong morals, though she remained at Hogwarts to help the students because she could not leave them alone with those monsters. She would have helped students whenever she could or at least offered advice to keep their heads down.

-> Last and certainly not least (he laughs at the thought), is Lord Voldemort [info]redeyedlord. Known to the world as You Know Who (never Tom Riddle. Very very very few would know that name) and with most too scared to say his name (don't forget the trace) his reputation is well-known. Do not cross him if you do he will see it is the last thing you do. Above all, show respect and do what he requests. For his Death Eaters, he has his favourites, there are some he has a mild degree of fondness for because they are particularly useful but human notions of love elude him completely. Soon to be the new Minster. Fear him.

Nov. 22nd, 2011


Well hello there!

Raquel here, bringing in Luna Lovegood. I've played Luna in a few different games and I hope I can do her justice here. Luna is currently in hiding, as she has been since the ordeal at Malfoy Manor. What with being abducted by Death Eaters once in her life, she wasn't too keen on that possibly happening again and she figured staying out of sight was her best option. She's still quite herself, though she has grown a bit paranoid.

I am up for all kinds of plots! She definitely needs allies and people she can trust.

So I am very excited to be here and to play with you all! I can almost always be found on AIM at xxxraquelita so please feel free to message me!


Nov. 20th, 2011


'Ello, 'ello!

Jon here, bringing you Ron Weasley! This is just a little intro about myself and Ronnikins, I guess. I've been playing Ron for a few years now, but I took a bit of a hiatus for a time to pursue other interests. However, I got the muse back and so I hope I can do him justice in game! Ron's still tagging along with Hermione, basically on a mad quest for horcruxes ever since Harry died on them, even if they don't know what the he heck they are doing. He's grown more solemn over the last few months, and more temperamental if that's possible. But, being on the run from dark wizards will do that to a bloke.

Anyway, I'm always up for a plot. Ron might be a bit sparing in his communications/journals at first if only because he's so concerned with staying underground and clearly, he doesn't know who he can trust anymore. But, that doesn't mean he can't have run ins with all sorts of characters along the way.

If you have any ideas or wanna talk plot, feel free to contact me via my AIM name at norshallwedie. I look forward to playing with all of you!
