April 2013




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April 8th, 2013

[info]somuchgreen in [info]infinitus

[Marvel][Nowhere] [Bruce Banner//open to any of Cindy's kiddos] Can you feel it too?

He breathed out gently, lungs deflating with the slow exhale.

Had he been dreaming? Bruce couldn't exactly remember the last time he had slept well enough to dream. REM was a thing of the past, something he took for granted in his former life. The one before the accident. Now he wished that actual sleep would take him. Between the fear of losing control and never getting quite enough rest Bruce nestled somewhere in the realm of just barely awake. It was how he lived his existence. How he waded through the waters of every moment in time, hoping not to drown completely within himself and give in entirely to the force that lived within him.

If this was a dream, it didn't feel right. Not at all. It felt different. Wrong somehow and he didn't like it one bit. Nothing in his life was normal, but typically sleep was the one thing Bruce could count on that was constant. The little that he got. This. This was different. Not what he was used to, but why did that surprise him exactly? Honestly it didn't. He took everything as it came. That was the price of being cautious. Even the urge for dreams were cautious considering that his whole life was a living nightmare.

The room smelled unlike anything he could place. The air tasted funny. The usual sounds escaped him and when Bruce opened his eyes he wasn't in a place he recognized. This looked like his room in the Tower back home, but he didn't think it actually was. His things weren't all there, for instance. The paperwork was gone, but the desk remained. The blankets were familiar but they didn't quite feel right. Even the patch he'd had to sew to keep one of the blankets together was still there. But....that wasn't comforting.

Slowly, he pushed himself to sit up. It took a moment for his vision to clear from the drowsy haze his eyes had taken, but once they had gone back to their normal sharpness Bruce found himself in quite a predicament. There was no smell of breakfast to greet him as was usual. No banter from the others. Nothing but the room and himself.

This had to be a dream. )