Posts Tagged: 'location:+sanctum+sanctorum'

Jan. 9th, 2019



Stephen Strange 001

In Marvin Gaye's groundbreaking release Trouble Man, he reiterates the old addage that there are only three constants in life: Taxes, death and trouble. It would appear that the collapse of the multiverse parity has A) eliminated at least one of those constants and B) greatly exaggerated another.

Fortunately and unfortunately for all of us, taxes falls into neither category A or B.

There were a number of known criminals from my (our) universe which appear to have found their way, as Soul II Soul would say, Back to life, and back to reality. This reality, based on what I've seen.

I don't know where they are or what theyre about to do. But it seemed like maybe it was information worth passing along.

Because it sounds like trouble.

Jan. 8th, 2019


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