indelible_smile's Journal


16th February 2009

7:12pm: I haven’t seen episode 45 yet, but from what I hear Yuusei clarifies he’s afraid of Ccapac Apu, not Kiryuu. Even though it turned out to be a bad duel for Yuusei, that makes sense.

For all that he talks, Kiryuu has been surprisingly soft on Yuusei. Kiryuu didn’t make the bike crash. He didn’t make the sheet metal stab Yuusei. He didn’t dump Yuusei on a bike face down on top of the sheet metal. When Yuusei was at his mercy, Kiryuu didn’t run him over or kick him when he was down, or even finish playing the turn! It’s like Kiryuu was looking for the first possible excuse to let Yuusei go.

So far, Carly is the most ruthless of the Dark Signers.
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