indelible_smile's Journal


15th February 2009

4:43am: 5D's 41~44
5D’s episodes 41~44. Random opinionated comments, spoilers of course.
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7:34pm: Crackpot pairs
Too late for Valentine's Day, oh well. 5D’s seems to be pushing the pairs Yuusei/Aki, Jack/Carly, Ushio/Mikage (at first I wrote it with Mikage on the left!). But it’s no fun doing something so obvious. This is all crackpot stuff, but what sort of surprise pairs could we come up with?

●How about Godwin/Aki? She wants a cult leader to tell her what to think and what to do, and he leads a cult. Between them, they could keep law and order one way or another: Godwin is a smooth talker, and Aki is an enforcer.

●Jack/Misty. They’re both celebrities who know what it’s like to have a public image to keep up. With each other, they could drop all the pretense and just be their real selves.

●Kiryuu/Carly. He could be comforting her from Jack’s apparent rejection right now.

●In a few years’ time, Yuusei/Luka. He seems especially kind to her, and she seems to understand him well. Right now the age difference is a barrier, but they’re not as far apart as Mai and Jounouchi.

●Again in a few years’ time, Lua/Mikage. She’s a sensible, hard-working person who’s been taken for granted too long. She deserves someone to cherish her, and Lua seems like he’d be the starry-eyed romantic type.

●Ushio/Martha? Again I’m tempted to put the woman’s name on the left side. They’re probably around the same age, so they’ve lived through the same major events. And from what I hear, she has a head start in house-training him already.

Any more ideas? There's more of this in 5D's than there was in DM or GX, maybe because the characters are a little bit older.
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