Oct. 20th, 2012


who: Silas and Lucy!
what: Running from possibly undead dogs. Also probably playing with an adorable goat.
when: That day that everyone's pets came to visits, even Lucy's, despite her dog having the handicap of being dead.

there's an undead dog in the mix but at least the goat is cute )

Oct. 7th, 2012


Who: Jared Ford and Daniela Robles
When: Friday 5th October, during Beginning Computers (backdated!)
Where: Muggle Studies building
What: Flirting!

Computer class was boring without the computers. )

Aug. 25th, 2012


WHO: Athena Flick and Diego Cruz
WHEN: (backdated) Thursday, 23 August, after classes
WHERE: Wishing well
WHAT: Old friends reunited and explanations

Why did Princewood have to be Diego's school? )

Aug. 24th, 2012


Who: Elliot Lee and Daniela Robins
When: Friday, just after classes
Where: Between the North and South Hall
What: Elliot and Daniela are having an innocent chat that's interrupted by a jealous ghost

Is this yours? )

Aug. 23rd, 2012



Diego Cruz )

Roger Hedgepeth )


Who: Robert Hedgepeth and Caleb Mason-Malone
What: Dormmates confuse one another
Where: Honors House
When: Last Saturday morning

It was all very puzzling. )

Aug. 21st, 2012


Who: Joselyn St. George and Silas Tressler
What: Don't ask me, I'll never tell
Where: Out by the wishing well
When: Last Sunday, midday

Three coins down the well. )

Aug. 19th, 2012


Who: Joselyn St. George and Daniela Robles
What: Room 204 represent
Where: Global Interest House
When: Saturday afternoon

Move-in Day was not the best part of the school year )

Aug. 18th, 2012


Human Bingo Thread

Who: Salem Institute of Magic student body
What: Dean Vails runs a game of Human Bingo for students during Orientation.
Where: Student Center
When: Sunday, after lunch

B-I-N-G-O )

This is an informal thread for discovering who might have run into, talked to, and met who, and what first (or second, or additional) impressions characters might have of one another. Replies that are short descriptions, dialogue-only, etc., are MORE THAN WELCOME. This is mostly an opportunity for characters to meet and interact with everyone else. :) Feel free to start a thread for your character or solely reply to others.


Who: Athena Flick and Winter Whisenhunt
What: Move-in shenanigans
Where: Outside the Global Interest House/Salem Campus
When: Saturday afternoon

It was something of a miracle but Winter had actually convinced both of her parents to help her move in... )

Aug. 17th, 2012


Who: Joselyn St. George and Elliot Lee
What: Recovering misplaced luggage
Where: Music House
When: Midday Saturday

DM was useless with a map. )

Aug. 9th, 2012


Who: Gracie Perkins and Elliot Lee
When: Backdated to Wednesday afternoon, towards the end of tranferring books to Salem.
What: Grace makes a discovery... eventually
Where: The Reference Section of the Princewood library
Rating: Low?
Status: Incomplete

For the first time in her life, Gracie was sick of the sight of books. )

Aug. 5th, 2012


Owl to Alida Stevenson-Fancourt

Owl to Alida )

Jun. 17th, 2012


tag post!