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October 11th, 2011

[info]marked_to_live in [info]impetuousooc

Alright Ladies.

And me.

If there are other gentlemen in this group tell me now, because I have missed your entrance.

Wow am I really surrounded by all women? I am happy, yet sense a trap.....


Plot. )

[info]laurales in [info]impetuousooc

HEY GUYS. So for those who are new, once again, I'm Kelly (Daphne, Marcus, Alicia, and Lisa) and I'm one of the mods here. ANYWAY. Um, I have a really rough semester school/work wise and it's eating up all of my time. I'm usually much more active and on top of things than this, I promise. But well, this is basically to say that everyone I owe tags to, which is actually just Lisa and Gina at this point....I PROMISE I haven't forgotten about them. I totally plan on tagging I'm just...going so slow because I have this huge exam tomorrow and another one coming up not to mention all of my labs....and then I'm leaving for NYC on Thursday and I haven't even STARTED to think about packing so...

This is basically to say I love you all and please excuse my slowness.

[info]irish_lion in [info]impetuousooc

Hello, all!

I'm Diana and I'm bringing you the always-awesome-Irishman, Seamus Finnigan. I know, I know, I should probably introduce him first (he says obviously, he's the one you're all here to learn about anyway...), but here's a little about me: I'm 27, work full time, and have been involved in HP fandom for about ten years now. I'm online pretty much every day, so I'm easy to contact...most of the time.

Seamus is pretty easy to understand - he likes women, beer, his motorcycle, Irish whiskey, and having a good time. Right now he's running the Three Broomsticks while he purchases some land and sets up his own brewery. He's recently got his licenses to make and market beer in the UK, so he will be shamelessly using his mates as taste-testers when he's not busy flirting or tinkering with his bike. His current residence is a set of rooms above the pub, so he's easy to find. He's also down with any and all threads.

Catch me on AIM, fadingxfires.


[info]marked_to_live in [info]impetuousooc

Just wanted people to know that, while the narrative is up, I'm still looking for a volunteer to have witnessed the events at Ethan Flint's home. Obviously, they probably didn't witness the entire thing, but if you have a char you want to have witnessed it go ahead and respond to the narrative if you'd like, or just let me know.