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October 9th, 2011

[info]chamber_song in [info]impetuousooc

Hello everyboy!!! (Hi Dr. Nick!)

I bring you none other than Gavin Chambers! Ravenclaw graduate with a passion for music, and a love for partying, women, and being a general immature louse with all the immediate fun that comes with that.

He's a partier, a joker, someone whose there to make you laugh. He's the guy you call when you want to make sure you have the GREATEST time that night, because he'll find the best parties. He knows everyone, he has connections here and there, he's been on stage at some of the biggest shows, and he's done pretty much everything. He's brilliant really, but fact is he's a louse, he's lazy, and he has no ambition whatsoever. He made it onto the Falmouth Falcons, only to be booted for not coming to the first practice because he had a hangover.

He writes music, but only when he can find the smallest bit of motivation. He's an aspiring musician, but has plenty of money from his parents' vault. His father is a former Death Eater who died fighting the original order. His mother? A forced wife who fled with him when he was very young, but was hunted and killed shortly after she sent Gavin to live with a muggle man.

He's carefree, he's kind of a hippie without the hippy values. He lives life to live life, not to worry about work or any of that. Turn to him if you need advice, he'll give it; he's there for pretty much anyone, and incapable of not flirting with you if you're female, or buying you a beer if you're male.

I almost forgot... he's a huge music nerd. This is that guy who breaks out into song whenever he feels like it. He once asked a girl out by singing a love ballad to her... in the middle of dinner, in the Great Hall, in sixth year. He also broke it off with her in a month. He's crazy, obviously. But the fun sort. And if you're wondering? He has an incredible voice.

So whose going to be his mate? Whose going to hate this idiot? Whose going to find him strangely attractive when they know they shouldn't? Whose going to be the one to tame him and make him find his potential? ... I don't know, but that's part of the journey.

So... yea, LET'S PLAY!

[info]ornately in [info]impetuousooc

Augustus Pye!

HEY GUISE. I know, I know. Fourth character. Just needed some testerone to balance out all the estrogen cause let's be honest, Parvati has enough for everyone in this game (besides like, Lavender but shh.) ANYWAYS. Here we go. AUGUSTUS PYE.

AJ ([info]augpye) is 26 years old and a former Hufflepuff. He was a prefect in school and became a healer after he left. Now, he's the Head Healer in the Dai Llewellyn Ward of St. Mungo's Hospital. He's recently divorced because his wife cheated on him with a quidditch player and then filed for divorced. Right now he's a brooding alcoholic with not a lot of money or reasons to be happy. AJ is generally a nice bloke. Unlike some, AJ hardly wears his emotions on his sleeve and it is often hard for people to know what he is thinking unless he tells them. In fact, sometimes people joke around about him being a robot. He's just so mechanical sometimes and his idea of letting loose is loosening his tie. He's pretty sarcastic and robotic. He likes everything to be neat and organised and he hates disorder. Most likely this is his expression for life: .____.
BUT ANYWAYS. He needs plotsies. Give me anything. I'll just take it. Great.