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About this journal
IJ_siteschemes is where everyone involved in designing site schemes for IJ can exchange notes, documents and ideas. Membership is currently moderated, so please leave a comment for branchandroot if you'd like to join in.

September 2015
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Branch [userpic]
Going live

Okay, people, the new schemes are coming out of beta, and the black and white scheme (Monodramatic) is up! If you haven't already, remember to vote for the scheme you'd like to have as the default, over at [info]announcements.

Now that the default will be changing, it's time to start thinking about other layouts that we might want to make available. Since the html is finalized, everyone who wants to make their very own layout(s) can get started! I encourage people to post their style sheets to this comm, so others can make use of them.

Do remember that the one thing that can't be changed by style sheets are things like the comment bar colors--those are defined in the template code and generate in-line styles. So you may wish to specify a layout that has comment colors that will harmonize with the rest of your style (Monodramatic's are gray, for example). [info]snakeling will have news later on how this can, in fact, be done.

And if anyone wants to write up a quick beginners guide to using Stylish, that would probably be really helpful, too.

(Also, yes, I know the font size still has issues. Am figuring we'll have to strip out the font-family definition and just go with browser defaults, because nothing else is both nicely legible and consistent across browsers. Curses.)


I know this post is almost a decade old, but did anyone ever figure out what the line is for changing the alternate comment bar colour? I'm trying to write a stylish override script now but I can't find it in any of the css files anywhere and it's driving me nuts >:(