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IF WE MUST: a community for doing healthy shit.

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RUNNING MUSIC RECS [Apr. 10th, 2017 • 12:56 pm]

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Okay, so I'm determined to start up Zombies Run 5K again this week (for literally, like, the sixth or seventh time, lol) and I want a new soundtrack!

So please come at me with your best running music? Bonus points if it's a full album, since that's much easier to get from Google Play (lol I can't be bothered to pirate anymore, also don't have Spotify, which doesn't work alongside Zombies Run ANYWAY, soooo...) -- orrrr if someone has an absolutely ace playlist and is willing to upload to Dropbox or something, that'd be cool? >_>

It is absolutely tragic how tiny a part of my life music has become, when it used to be so central. :( So I'd like to get some new stuff, get back into listening more, as well!
link4 • CMNT

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