Ideas for InsaneJournal
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Heather Kristina Jamie Lee Curtis [userpic]

Would there be any way for us to have testimonials? Like back in the old GJ days.

Post Templates?

Or, at least, having a basic post shell one can create and choose at leisure so they don't have to write the same sort of thing out each time.

I'm using my journal for my novel this year, so I had a format I was planning on using all the time, but having to type it out is a bit of a hassle, yanno?

Bri [userpic]
Mass entry delete?

I think it'd be cool to be able to select a date range of entries you may want to delete, or some kind of mass selection?
Would something like this be possible?

I have lots of entries from when I started here (in 2002) that I'd like to delete; I don't want to move to a new account b/c I like my username.

Current Mood: blah blah
radiant land mermaid [userpic]

Would REALLY like to have thread tracking enabled (not entry tracking but for specific threads). It seems like the capability is there(?) as the tracking page has the option, though it is greyed out. Even paid only would make me happy.

Alternatively, it would be awesome to have an option to turn off thread collapsing in your entries.

Bri [userpic]
IJ user live chat feature?

I know this would be an extremely complicated one, but maybe one day add a live chat? I think it'd be cool to talk to fellow IJ friends real time and it would keep users on the site longer.

Current Mood: chipper chipper
Bri [userpic]
IJ Official Asylums

I think that the official IJ asylums should be prominent somehwere so people know where to go and what everyone should use. (It may help everyone join one asylum instead of having 1000s of the same...? )

RPs are swamping real communities in the Newest Asylums list

Would it be possible to create a second list of newest asylums on the home page that are actual asylums instead of RPs? Every time I click an interesting sounding journal, it turns out to be just another RP. A lot of those RPs are exclusive and don't allow new members anyway, so why do we let them waste space on the home page?

Perhaps there could be a radio button added to the creation form so new users had to check whether their asylum was going to be a real one or an RP? And RPs could thus be listed separately from now on...

Can we disable private messages? I'm being harassed on another account and I just don't want anyone to have the ability to private message me. I think having the option to disable them would be great.

Delcat Delcat [userpic]
Ability to purchase custom moodsets?

Will it ever be possible to purchase the use of a custom moodset the way it's possible to purchase the use of extra icons? I don't need all the bells and whistles of a Self-Committed account, but you could easily weasel $10-15 out of me if it meant I could use my beloved Kirby moodset here. I have nothing against my current bugs, but one must admit that the cuteness quotient of this entry would be increased by at least 300% if a pink marshmallow blob was introducing it.

Current Mood: curious curious
Bri [userpic]

...I went through some really old "memories" on my journal today. I can't "delete" them unless I wrote the post and delete it first.

Is there an easier way to remove memories you no longer want to have listed?

And for the memories you added that others wrote or for posts you want to keep, it just comes to a screen to categorize them... can't delete or modify categories or the posts you no longer want to have.

...please fix it so I can do somethign with them. lol.

If there is an easier way, tell me!

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