Ideas for InsaneJournal
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March 2024
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redd summers [userpic]

Seeing icons on the main page.

I came over from GJ and I know this is its own site and it will be different (not to mention I know you're going for your own creative spin on things which I totally respect) but one of the features I loved about GJ was its main page in how you could see the default icons of the five most recent posters. Maybe this says a lot about my mental state but when I'm bored I loved just refreshing the main page to see what witty/clever/pretty icons I would see. This would also sometimes inspire me to click on certain users and I met a handful of people on GJ that way because I found we shared the same interests just because I'd click to see their icons and end up reading their public posts *g*.

So that would be my suggestion because it's a good way to meet new friends (not to mention amuse the simple-minded folks like me!) :)

Current Music: Placebo - I Feel You

I agree. I liked this feature on GJ as well :)

Not what your after but, will take you to a random journal, and [ ] if you scroll down should show you the ten most recently updated journals [ no icons though].

Personally, I've got nothing against the feature, just I'd rather it not be on the main page and instead linked on the main page in it's own corner, since I'd rather reduce loading when I need to use the main page [I am after specific things when I go there] + I can see it as being something very resource heavy.

Seconded. (I never had any use for it on GJ and wouldn't like it on IJ's main page, because I like that the page isn't cluttered & loads quickly, and visit it for news and the list of recently updated asylums, not to find friends or click on random journals.)

But I wouldn't mind a link to a page with such a feature.

If implemented, it should be a feature that a user can opt into, not enabled by default. Not all of us think it's all that shiny or great. I dunno, that feature made me flock most of my posts when I made them (and going back and unlocking them afterwards) so I wouldn't show up on the front page. I don't know why, but it just irked me.

I agree, not everyone liked it for whatever reason, but I think this is a good idea. I know on the "My IJ" page there full of boxes you can add or subtract and I've taken down a lot of those boxes just because I don't think they're needed. So yeah--if we could have that option, it'd be really good :)

totally off topic.

Your icon makes me giggle.


Thank you! Even more ironic was the fact I found it because someone had it defaulted and posted so I saw it on the main page of GJ *laughs!* I'm not trying to curry favor with that statement, no. It's just true. Of course, I'm an icon whore and love the funnies *giggles!*

This would make a neat module in the LJ portal. That would let people chose whether they want it or not, so everybody's happy.