Ideas for InsaneJournal
..::. :.: .:.:::...:::.

March 2024
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esther greenwood [userpic]
PM Notifications

I realize that you are working on implementing notifications in journal for comments, but I was curious if we could at least get notifications when we have a PM? EDIT: What I mean is that we get an email notifying us that a new PM has arrived in suchandsuch journal. That way, we know it's there. Sometimes I don't log in for a few days, because I reply to comments via email, so I can go days without even realizing I have a PM. A PM option in a user's userinfo would be cool, too.


I get a notice when I first log on that I have a PM....

Me too - I edited the post to better explain.

Do you mean when someone pms you it turns up in your email?

Sort of. I don't necessarily want the actual PM to show up the way a comment does, but an alert to let me know that it's there at all would be nice. I edited the post to further explain but sometimes I don't log in for days at a time so I have no way of knowing a PM is sitting here, since I reply to comments from my email box a lot of times.

There are Personal Messages on this system? I had no idea. Doesn't seem to be in the site map -- link anyone?

Go under "View" and there is a "Private Messages" option. :) I'll PM you so you can see what it's like when someone does so - usually you're just notified upon logging in.

Argh, I'm using Lynx and simply cannot find that menu, even on the login page. URL?

If you log out and back in, it will alert you and tell you to click a certain box to take you to your inbox, also. At least it should...

The URL worked fine.

Lynx simply does not have that info in the login screen:

...which would be another great reason to have email notifications :)

I got a PM notification the first week i was here. :-?

And then they just stopped? Or...?

I don't know. I'm perm. I haven't gotten any but one. Send me now, and I'll tell you.

okay give me one sec and i will.

I didn't get a notice, but I also had my PMbox open at the time and a dialog box opeedn to notify me that I had a new :-\

But you didn't get an email? I think it should/would send an email anyway?

I'll wait. If I recall, it was delayed and not instantaneous. I'll let you know.

I got a dialog box again to notify me of the message.

No email as of yet. I'll let you know if anything different happens.