Ideas for InsaneJournal
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March 2024
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Hope this is okay to put here, someone asked that I repost it in this asylum. Originally I posted it in reply to the "Look how far we've come" news post:

We moved our small little RPG community over from Greatest Journal as we continued to watch it crash and burn. We're just thankful for a site that wants to encourage users instead of discourage them. The features here are great, but the ones we miss most (and would be willing to pay for) are:

Testimonials - being able to leave other users nice "year book" type quotes.

Icon views - being able to see which icon you're selecting when posting a comment rather than just having to memorize keywords

Friend limit being increased for free users - even to a modest 200.

Some kind of notification in journals for when comments are received, even just a basic "hi, you have them" rather than a specific breakdown.

Things we LOVE:
The icons being keyworded (even with random numbers) so we can use them immediately.

The rename token - how cool to be able to buy a kick ass user name some other person deleted.

The easy site navigation and "familiar" feel despite switching sites.

Thank you, just...thank you. We would have lost a game we all loved and built over months and years without this site.


I agree very much with icon previews; however, the friends limit has been updated already:

Thank you. I do see that now. It's just that the reasons for upgrading to a paid account still says 100, and that's why/how I got confused.

More Friends
You'll have the ability to list up to 1000 friends. Don't hassle with the 100 friends limit for Free Accounts. Now you can join all the asylums you want and be able to watch them all on your friends page, too.

Thank you for bringing this to attention. I will see what I can get done about updating the paid accounts page.

Thank you very much!

I get comment notifications... are you sure you don't? What we don't have are tracking... notifications of posts on other journals or posts in asylums. I believe that will be implemented in the next code update, which I hope is very, very soon as tracking is IMO indispensable for building community. I know our asylums would be growing much more quickly if we had tracking enabled. :( But... it would take a lot more than that to outweigh the good here.

I'm pretty sure what they mean is, when you log into GJ, at the top left of the screen it has your journal name, then in bright yellow "You have 2 new replies" or whatever, and then underneath that which of your friends have been active in the last few minutes.

Tracking is definitely in the next code update, I'm just not sure when he's implementing that.

Ditto on icon previewing. I don't usually need it on my main journal, but I have one rp journal here and it has 150 icons (yeah, I permed it :P) and while I remember what MOST of them are, sometimes it's nice to look at the icon again just to remind myself and check if it actually is the appropriate one for whatever situation.

LOL, well I have over 500 icons so I feel your pain times five. ;)

I personally don't care about the other kind of notification, I'm happy with email notification. But I want tracking like I want air and water.

Yeah, at one point for this same character I had about 450, I try to cut it down every so often. I discovered today that I don't quite have a full range of "you're a complete idiot, you realise" icons, sadly. :)

Ditto on the notifications. The only time I really used them was between classes at university when I checked my roleplay games in the computer lab, and... not so much with the university anymore.

I wouldn't mind testimonials but they're very much an optional aside. Tracking will be A+.

Friend limit being increased for free users - even to a modest 200.

This has already been increased - free patients can have up to 1000 friends as detailed here:

I apologise I thought the FAQ had been updated with this information already.

On checking the FAQ it has been updated, um, where is the information that you got the old limit 100 from?

It will need to be updated for the correct information.

You're right the FAQ is correct with that information. I got my misinformation from here:

More Friends
You'll have the ability to list up to 1000 friends. Don't hassle with the 100 friends limit for Free Accounts. Now you can join all the asylums you want and be able to watch them all on your friends page, too.

Thank you for clearing that up, though!