Ideas for InsaneJournal
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March 2024
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Directory assistance?

With the repeated migrations from that other place, and now from that other other place, there have been a lot of asylums set up to help people find each other again.

The trick is finding those asylums in the first place.

Would there be any chance of either getting a box on the welcome page with a list of directory asylums (I have no idea how many there are by now, but I know of at least half a dozen so far), or adding a specific "interest tag" (such as "directory") so that they would be searchable, and then posting that search tag on the front page so that everyone coming in knows about it?


Personally, I think a general directory for all the members (new and old) would be a more pertinent idea on the overall. Message boards have utilized this feature for many years now and none of the journal sites have stepped up to the plate and reciprocated it for adaptability.

I'd rather not have a directory of users that's kinda like the 'phone book - not unless it's possible for us to keep our names out of it.

Of course, there's always Search Directory.

The information available in member directories on message boards don't include personal information anyway. :\ Only what you want visible.

Might be useful to put a link to Search Asylums on the front page.

This would be way brilliant. Especially since SO MANY redundant communities are being created with people coming over to LJ and immediately creating communities without looking to see if one exists for their interests first.

Exactly! There are so many good "find-it" groups here -- addme, 07refugees, fandomdirectory -- but if people don't know those are available to help them find what they're looking for, folks are just going to keep on re-creating splinter groups and wondering why no one is joining them.