Ideas for InsaneJournal
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March 2024
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Britin [userpic]
Text Only Browsing.

I use it because I don't like the default grey and orange or the other colour options. I prefer clean, easy-to-read white backgrounds. Could there perhaps be more options available on this setting.

Perhaps more links to things such as User Info, Customize etc.

And how about the option to add Tweak and his sayings to this setting too. Or even other white background settings.



Well, the Lynx site scheme is supposed to be very light, so adding links would kinda defeat the point :P

I hear you about the white background, so I made a tutorial to change that. It's limited, but better than nothing :)

Well, the Lynx site scheme is supposed to be very light, so adding links would kinda defeat the point :P

Lol! I guess maybe having a new, different white option with links would be better. I know I only use it because it's white, and I suspect others do too.

Thanks so much for the tutorial! I'll check it out :)

I agree with [info]snakeling that Lynx is supposed to be light, etc.

However, I too browse in the Lynx scheme as the others are too busy for me - I've tried using [info]snakeling's fix, but it still loads the original scheme first, which annoys me and wastes time.

Considering there are 10 schemes, most of them variations on a theme, it'd be lovely to have a simple white scheme - not unlike Lynx, just maybe a smaller font and a few more links. I'd love to be able to offer to code it, but I'm afraid I know nothing about coding site schemes (I assume a programming language, not just html/css, is involved).

I also realize [info]squeaky et al. are probably much too busy at this time to worry about site schemes, but I hope it's something they'd consider keeping in mind, *puppy eyes* :o)

I used snakeling's tutorial to set up a site opts scheme I can stand to use, but of course it only works at home where it's set up! The site opts are a real sore spot for many people I know who just can't stand any of them and avoid IJ because of it. Lynx is the easiest on the eyes, but just too user-unfriendly since it has none of the links I use all the time.

I really, really wish this could be put somewhere at the top of the "things to do" list ... viewing options that are as userfriendly as LJ's or GJ's. Oh well.

I would like some more dark text on light background site schemes that don't have Tweak. I don't dislike Tweak, but I have to be in the right mood for him.

I like Tweak--but I hate dropdown menus. I have dialup internet, and they take time to load and it's easy to hit the wrong one, and then it takes forever to get back.

I'd love to have a Tweak-themed site scheme that uses a vertical set of links.