Ideas for InsaneJournal
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March 2024
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Dio [userpic]
adding site viewing options

While I enjoy IJ very much, one thing that makes it difficult for me to use is the available site viewing options.

I currently switch from InsaneLook to Lynx and back again. The default orange and gray site scheme, I must admit, I find ugly and depressing, and many friends of mine are avoiding IJ because of shared distaste for this color scheme. However, the alternative schemes are so much worse for those of us with weak eyesight ~ incredibly hard on the eyes to the point where it's impossible to even look at the screen, much less read any of the near-invisible text on it! Lynx is the least painful site opt but is so bare-bones that I keep going back to InsaneLook just so I'll have the site navigation buttons I use all the time.

Insanime is actually a pleasant enough color scheme, but there's a huuuuge cartoon taking up valuable real estate at the top ... no go.

MY SUGGESTION is not to do anything "design-y" or fancy; how about merely offering a selection of easy-on-the-eyes color choices for the InsaneLook option? Instead of a gray background with orange accents, how about:

White background with blue accents (example: LJ's Horizon and Vertigo, HERE.
White background with a variety of color choices for accents (example: gray, blue, dark red, dark blue, etc such as at GJ HERE.)

I'm guessing it would be simple to code a few basic color options without changing anything else (of course, Tweak should remain his trademark orange).

It would definitely make a difference as the complaint about the site viewing options is one of the biggest among many who I know are considering IJ.

Also, I just thought I'd mention the Asylum Update entry linked to on the userinfo hasn't been updated since 2005 ...


I agree with you, so I made a temporary solution :)


Thanks so very much!

Just adding for the record ... I still hope IJ will improve its site opts selections soon, because accessing journals from any computer other than one with the special scripts loaded will show only the "official" options. (I often check IJ from the office, for example.)

But [info]snakeling's temporary solution is great!