Sep. 23rd, 2016



NETWORK: Albus Potter 9/23

[Private to James Potter Sr. & Lily Potter Sr.]

Um Hi. I'm Albus Severus Potter. Albus is fine. Or Al. Harry is my dad. are you?

Sep. 22nd, 2016



[No Subject]


How many times do I have to tell you I don't want your stupid perfume bribes?????

Sep. 21st, 2016



NETWORK: Albus Potter 9/21

Well, I always wanted to visit New York. Thank you to the kind...guard, was it? The person who met me, I mean. I'm not convinced my brother didn't just knock me on the head too hard, but I don't really want to be in St. Mungo's or in trouble with my mum so I guess I'll go with the idea I'm really here and not drunk off my arse.

My name is Albus Severus Potter. Al is fine.



[No Subject]

Don't any of you tell Ron if he gets here, but I think--I think I might be in love with Michelle Obama.

Sep. 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

I suppose it's about time I said something on this thing.

Hello. I'm Harry Potter.



[No Subject]

WHO: Rose Hathaway & Adrian Ivashkov
WHERE: Near his apartment
WHEN: Sept 18 - Shortly after Adrian’s arrival
WHAT: Rose is unexpectedly happy to see Adrian
WARNINGS: TBA. Probably fairly low.
STATUS: Complete

--- )



Net Post; Angelina Johnson; 20th September 16

After two days, I'm still not entirely sure this isn't same crazy prank. But, I guess being best friends with George Weasley will do that to you.

I still think this is an odd way of talking to people. But, I guess I should actually introduce myself. I'm Angelina Johnson.

Sep. 15th, 2016



NETWORK;; Teddy Lupin; 15 September 2016, evening

I don't know if Sirius told you

Hello. You don't know

My name is Teddy and I'm your

I hope you've been getting settled well

Hello. My name is Teddy. You don't know me and I don't know what anyone has told you, but I wanted to introduce myself to you. I'm your I'm

Sep. 14th, 2016



network post: victoire lupin (9/14/16 @ evening)

I've been here nearly a week now and I think I'm still wrapping my head around the situation. Though I have to be thankful to the rift (is that what it's called?) for bringing my husband here only hours after I got here, therefore making this transition at least a little bit easier, the traveling through space and time bit is still quite something.

Plus, the healthcare system in this country is also quite something. I think I was on the phone all day today trying to figure it all out. I think I might be spoiled with St. Mungo's.

And for those that I haven't introduced myself to yet, I'm Victoire Lu. I'm Bill and Fleur Weasley's eldest daughter.

Sep. 13th, 2016




I rather think I may have been using this device somewhat incorrectly. I've been commenting rather a lot, but it just occurred to me that I've failed to introduce myself in any sort of formal sense. My name is Hermione Granger, and I arrived here on Sunday. I'm from, errr--the "Harry Potter" world, as it were, but I'd rather like to propose to all my worldmates if we could, perhaps...come up with a better name that didn't sound quite so much as though Harry is our god, or something. I mean, don't get me wrong. Harry's my best friend and I love him as much as anyone, but that's only making me doubly uncomfortable, really.

Anyway. Now that that's out there, I thought I should also mention that I took rather comprehensive notes during my orientation session. I also did a bit of additional research at the New York Public Library, as we apparently didn't have enough time to go over all the questions I had. If any of you who've just arrived or are still grappling things would like a copy, I wouldn't mind making some at all.



NET POST: REMUS LUPIN; 9/13/16, 8:12 PM

This isn't exactly how I thought I might be spending my day--I was looking forward to a quiet evening in my cabin with a book. But the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, they say.

Sep. 12th, 2016



NETWORK;; Mica Dahan; 12 September 2016, 12:15 pm

I'm actually rather surprised I have a lunch break at all today. Do you all realize that over the course of the day Saturday, eight people came through the Rift? That's the most we've ever had at once. And seven of them were from the same exact world. So Magical Research has been working nonstop. They even called me to come in yesterday and we don't usually work weekends.

Spoiler alert: We have no idea why this happened.

Sep. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: Hermione Granger & Rose Hathaway
WHERE: Their apartment
WHEN: September 11
WHAT: Roommates first meeting
WARNINGS: Probably some language
STATUS: Placeholder, in-progress!

When Pluto and Venus are aligned in a perfect line with Earth, then the boundaries between our dimension and the next will weaken, and if you’re not careful, you may slip right through! Read more... )



NETWORK;; Rose GW; 11 September 2016, morning

You know what's even more frustrating than falling through an inter-dimensional rift last night? Having to then explain to the dunderheads on the other side that just because you're seventeen doesn't mean you're a minor and doesn't mean you need a "guardian." In my world, I was of age, and I was supposed to be eighteen in less than two months anyway. Now I have to wait until March for my birthday because it's September again. And I miss my N.E.W.T.s. This is extremely frustrating.

At least I got them to concede I don't need a guardian after hours of fighting with them. I've got this flat to myself for now and it's brilliant. I just wish Albus and Scorpius were

Anyway, I'm Rose Granger-Weasley. Do I know anyone else here?



NETWORK;; Lily Potter; 11 September 2016, morning

Sorry for not coming home. (You were asleep when I got in.) I should have sent you a message, but I lost track of things. Harry is here. He's living down the hall, he just got here yesterday, and he's twenty-five! I ran into him coming back up from the cafe and an agent was showing him to his flat. I spent the whole night talking to him. It's early and you're both still asleep I think, but I can't sleep anymore. I'm too excited.

How are you doing this morning, sweetheart?



NETWORK;; Teddy Lupin; 11 September 2016, morning

I spent most of last night finding out I've missed a year of my wife's life and that I'm about to be a father. Also something about alternate universes and time-space travel and whatnot, but for me that was the really important part. She and I both arrived yesterday, so I'm reaching out. This is Teddy Lupin. Is there anyone else here from our world?



LOG;; teddy lupin & victoire lupin; 10/11 sept 2016

WHO: Teddy & Victoire Lupin
WHERE: Their flat
WHEN: September 10/11, after midnight so technically the 11th
WHAT: Teddy finds out about the baby and Victoire is reunited with him in this new world.
WARNINGS: All the feels. Mentions of pregnancy and babymaking (not explicits, still PG). Mostly just a lot of "wtf?"
STATUS: Complete.

There are a lot of bets on her being a Quidditch player or even a footballer when she gets older. )



LOG;; lily potter & harry potter; 10 sept 2016

WHO: Lily & Harry Potter.
WHERE: Outside their apartments
WHEN: September 10, very late evening
WHAT: Harry meets his mother.
WARNINGS: So many feels. Mentions of character death.
STATUS: Placeholder.


Sep. 8th, 2016



network: rose: 8th september 1p

Waking up in a hospital isn't really that new for me, but actually waking up in a totally new world is definitely a first. Are you guys for real or are they just giving me some really good drugs?

Sep. 3rd, 2016



NETWORK;; Mica; 3 Septemer 2016, 2:23 pm

I wonder if any of my genius bosses realized that the release of this network would mean absolutely zero things would get done at work. I know none of my coworkers are doing anything productive, so why should I?

If they're actually monitoring this: Please don't fire me.