Aug. 25th, 2007


30 Rosario Dawson

I HAVE PHOTOSHOP NOW (via [info]delishus, via [info]nepants) and therefore my icons are 200 percent betterness technology. Seriously, the difference is amazing. I'll probably go through my older icons (particularly the Bahar ones, Crash is a darkly lit movie but those are the suck) and fix them up later. Anyway, Rosario Dawson! Who is as ethnically mixed as you get, and incidentally, my favorite actress. I'll be iconing her a lot -- The 25th Hour is next on my list.

These are all from The Rundown, so she's 23 here. )

Aug. 16th, 2007


70 Zoe Saldana

All are from Guess Who caps.

She dresses really nicely in this movie. )

Aug. 15th, 2007


56 Leonard Roberts

Umm. Leonard Roberts is large. And black. And v. pretty. I don't like talking to strangers. Bai.

Oh shit, it's Wayne Brady, son! )

Aug. 14th, 2007


18 Madison Pettis

Blitherblitherblither One day I'll have clever cut-text. )


17 Corbin Bleu

This world will never be/What I expected/And if I don't belong/Who would have guessed it/I will not leave alone/Everything that I own/To make you feel like it's not too late/It's never too late )


16 Crystal Kay

Clever cut text here )

Aug. 13th, 2007


80 Freema Agyeman

I love this girl to bits. She's half-Persian, half-Ghanaian, and extremely cheerful.

Easily the hottest person on Doctor Who. Ever. )