Iconics - March 25th, 2008

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March 25th, 2008

[info]tweedygal and I are thrilled that you're here and we know you may have some questions...

Q- What is [info]iconics?

A- It's a Queer As Folk Icon Contest Asylum created by [info]tweedygal and [info]happier_bunny so we can spread the icon love and the creator love!

Q- How will it work?

A- 1. There will be Four categories: Brian/Justin -- Other Canonical Pairings/Ensembles/The Gang -- Individuals -- Wild Card (the mods will name the category for each contest.)
2. We'll put up a post calling for nominations. Comment on that post with your nominations (try to nominate for each category).
3. All comments will be screened.
4. No more than 2 nominations per category per contest please!
5. Nominations will stay open for one week.
6. The voting will open 3 days later and stay open for one week.
7. The winners will be announced 3 days after the close of voting (at the latest).
8. A new contest will start a week later.

1. Unless you are linking directly to LJ or IJ or your own private webservice, there is to be ABSOLUTELY no hotlinking. Upload the icons to your own account (imageshack, or photobucket, etc). If I find you hotlinking to makers' accounts, you will be banned from nominating.
2. Icon makers cannot nominate their own work.
3. All icons are open to nominations, we don't have any limitations on when they were made. However, if an icon maker contacts us and asks not to be included, we will of course honor that request.
4. If at all possible, please let the icon maker know that you are nominating one of their icons. I'm sure they'd love to know.
5. When you comment with your icon, please don't forget to include the category you're nominating for and the creator.
6. Once an icon is nominated, that same icon can't be nominated again for at least 3 contests.

If you have any questions, ask away and we'll try to answer them (please make them about the asylum *snicker*) Also, please pimp this around to your friends. Thanks.

Current Mood: [mood icon] excited

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