May 20th, 2013

[info]iconsbytink in [info]icondust

Membership change / rules

Due to the fact that I can no longer keep up with membership emails, I have decided to make this PUBLIC access. You no longer need to comment and request membership.

That being said, please still respect the rules and credit me, it would be nice to know they are still appreciated.

So... please join, and enjoy the icons. Rules are below.... thank you for checking out my journal!

1. My icons are NOT bases. This means, do no customize or edit in any way. I do not do fancy texting or gradients over my icons, and most are cut simply. This does not mean that they can be edited. My current style is 100x100, no border. If you would like any other style, you MUST put that in with your request.

2. Please credit in your icon keywords or comments. EVERY post of mine has a sample image of how to do this properly. Icon thieves exist, it's just a fact. But if you put the credit in your keywords then the blame is on them, not you. You can still put a link/credit to me in your user info if you would like, but please also put them in keyword comments.

3. PLEASE comment with what you take Look at it this way: the more I realize my icons are actually being saved and used, the more I'll make. If I make a post of 80 icons of someone and nobody comments, chances are I won't be making icons of that person ever again.

4. By all means... share the love. Nothing makes me happier than logging in and seeing more friend requests and people sharing the word about my icons. NEVER had I imagined this would get as big as it already is, so I thank you all for appreciating my work so much.

5. Requests: I am currently NOT taking requests, and currently trying to revive myself with updating with new icons.

That's it!! WHEW, you survived :) Thanks again for finding my journal and appreciating my icons. If, at any time, you can not find what you're looking for here, please check out my affiliates. If I know of a comm that has icons you're looking for and I can't get to your request right away, I have no problem recommending it.

July 2022

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