Icon Corral
.:.: ..:::.
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ariyanaforever [userpic]
Hellboy Bases Second Set

Second set of Hellboy bases all Hellboy 2 centric. I even tossed in bases of kiddy!Hellboy. ^^


39 Hellboy bases )


-Credit either [info]ariyanaforever or [info]icon_corral.

-You're more then welcome to customize any of the bases you see here, but please credit the creation of the base.

-For the love of god please DO NOT Hotlink. It does not take much time or effort to open your own photobucket account and they are free.

-Comments not required but they are love.

Current Mood: exhausted exhausted
ariyanaforever [userpic]
Prince Nuada Bases

I should have second set of Hellboy up in a moment.


38 Prince Nuada Bases )


-Credit either [info]ariyanaforever or [info]icon_corral.

-You're more then welcome to customize any of the bases you see here, but please credit the creation of the base.

-For the love of god please DO NOT Hotlink. It does not take much time or effort to open your own photobucket account and they are free.

-Comments not required but they are love.

Current Mood: bored bored
ariyanaforever [userpic]
Liz Sherman Second set

I made some bases of Liz in Hellboy II. I got a Hellboy and Prince Nuada set coming in a few and I plan on doing another set of Abe and a set of Princess Nuala once I finish screencapping the movie. I may even add a few more bases to Liz, HB and Nuada's sets.


39 Liz Sherman Bases )


-Credit either [info]ariyanaforever or [info]icon_corral.

-You're more then welcome to customize any of the bases you see here, but please credit the creation of the base.

-For the love of god please DO NOT Hotlink. It does not take much time or effort to open your own photobucket account and they are free.

-Comments not required but they are love.

Current Mood: bored bored
ariyanaforever [userpic]
John Myers


30 John Myers Bases )


- Credit either [info]ariyanaforever or [info]icon_corral.

-Please do not steal and claim as your own. I spent a lot of time screencapping and tweaking the images to make them into suitable bases.

-You're more then welcome to customize any of the bases you see here, but please credit the creation of the base.

-For the love of god please DO NOT HOTLINK. It does not take much time or effort to open your own photobucket account and they are free.

-Comments not required but they are love.

ariyanaforever [userpic]
Hellboy Bases


51 Hellboy Bases )


-Credit either [info]ariyanaforever or [info]icon_corral.

-Please do not steal and claim as your own. I spent a lot of time screencapping and tweaking the images to make them into suitable bases.

-You're more then welcome to customize any of the bases you see here, but please credit the creation of the base.

-For the love of god please DO NOT HOTLINK. It does not take much time or effort to open your own photobucket account and they are free.

-Comments not required but they are love.

ariyanaforever [userpic]
Liz Sherman Bases


30 Liz Bases )


-Credit either [info]ariyanaforever or [info]icon_corral.

-Please do not steal and claim as your own. I spent a lot of time screencapping and tweaking the images to make them into suitable bases.

-You're more then welcome to customize any of the bases you see here, but please credit the creation of the base.

-For the love of god please DO NOT HOTLINK. It does not take much time or effort to open your own photobucket account and they are free.

-Comments not required but they are love.

ariyanaforever [userpic]
Abe Sapien Bases


30 Abe Bases )


-Credit would be nice but I won't hunt you down if you don't give it. If you would like to credit. Credit either [info]ariyanaforever or [info]icon_corral.

-Please do not steal and claim as your own. I spent a lot of time screencapping and tweaking the images to make them into suitable bases.

-You're more then welcome to customize any of the bases you see here, but please credit the creation of the base.

-For the love of god please DO NOT HOTLINK. It does not take much time or effort to open your own photobucket account and they are free.

-Comments not required but they are love.

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