Jan. 12th, 2015


Who: Scott and Mina
Where: Scott's home
When: Sunday Evening
Rating: Most likely high

It was time to enjoy his prize from the auction )

Jan. 9th, 2015


Congratulations Saint Roman! We have completed another successful charity auction. After calculating the totals, we raised a little over $150,000 for charity. The money will be divided equally between Pediatric Cancer Research, Cancer Research, Child Abuse Prevention, and Women's Shelters.

Please remember that all purchased Servita MUST report to their new Dominari no later than Sunday, Jan 11th by 5am for a period of one week, ending at Midnight on Sunday, Jan 18th.

Auction Results )


Who: Samantha and Scott
When: January 9th, Friday
Where: Scott's place
Rating: High

Dinner and a show? )


Who: Chris and Hayley
Where: Chris' home
When: Thursday evening
Rating: High

Well, at least she didn't poison him. )

Jan. 8th, 2015


Who: Richard and Talia
Where: Richard's dorm
When: Thursday Evenin
Rating: TBD. Medium at least for snark

Some choices really weren't choices in the end. )

Dec. 16th, 2014


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