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Chaos Theory

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Fae, Morrigan [Nov. 11th, 2008|09:36 pm]

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Who: Theresa Cassidy, Jean-Paul Beaubeir
NPCs: --
When: November 11 2008
Where: Salem New York, Salem Academy
What: Some people just don’t like sharing their quiet places. Either the two biggest misanthropes on campus will get along fabulously, or try and kill each other.
Rating: PG 13

The roof was Terry’s quiet place. )

[Open to: Fae]
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|01:50 am]
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Who: William Kaplan & Jean-Paul Beaubier
NPCs: ---
When: 24th October
Where: Salem, New York: Salem Academy, Boy's Room 1
What: Jean-Paul is settling in, Billy happens across his new roommate. Misunderstandings and snark occurs.
Rating: PG-13 for mild cursing and discussion of shivs?

Wherein they may want to hold off on braiding the BFF bracelets. )
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