August 9th, 2009



[No Subject]

Who: Tonks and James Alderton
When: Day 6, Early afternoon
What: Tonks was still in introduction mode
Where: Alderton's office
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

We'll become fast friends. )

[No Subject]

Who: James Alderton and Sirius Prewett
Where: Sirius' Office, then James' Office
When: Morning, Day 6
What: Sirius comes to see James about his face.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Off to see the wizard.. er.. doctor! )



[No Subject]

Who: Ginny Weasley and OTA
When: 8am, 11/02/01. Day 7
What: Ginny's arrival
Where: The front doors of the Sanctuary, then inside.
Rating: PG to PG-13, depending on others.
Status: Incomplete

I have a very bad feeling about this. )



[No Subject]

Who: Tonks and Harry Potter
What: Tonks brings an olive branch. And information
When: Morning, 7-ish am. 11/02/01, Day 7
Where: Harry's room
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Well. This was interesting. )

Day Change


November 2nd, 2001 - Day Seven

Remus Lupin will arrive promptly at 1:30pm on November 2nd, 2001 and will be escorted by one of the Processing Witches, all the way to his room, so he will not be bothered on the way there.

Ginny Weasley will arrive promptly at 8am on November 2nd, 2001.


Weather Forecast

During the day, 52° and overcast with high winds. High 56°. Low 49°. At night, 42° and changes of rain showers.

Sunrise: 6:42am
Sunset: 8:02pm


Therapist Appointments:
Theodore Nott - 8:30am
Emory Harper - 11:30am
Ginny Weasley - 2:30pm
Visitor Appointments: None


Friend Add/Other Updates

Please update your friends list(s) HERE; there should currently be 24 on your list. They will be staying in their ASSIGNED ROOMS. Also, check the contact list HERE and get the new people's AIM names! Go make friends!


Okay! So here's the plan. We have a few people who haven't been active in a long time, two game days, so a little over a week. And assuming they're still around, we hope they'll notice this note and contact us on the OOC board or by PMs, if they plan to stay but have a problem. If we aren't contacted, we're going to hack down the list. A few people will be removed properly, with it having been assumed that they spent time at the Sanctuary. Others will just be hacked away like they never came at all, because.. well.. they were either never played, or only played once, and there's no reason to ban them from the game if they were only played once. So! If this is you, consider yourself warned.