July 13th, 2009


[No Subject]

Who: Percy Weasley, Nicodemus Dax and Arcturus Prewett.
When: Day 2. October 28. 4pm.
Where: Library.
What: Looking at books.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.

At least there was a library )

[No Subject]

Who: Harry Potter, Arcturus Prewett, and Sirius Prewett
Where: Outside by the edge of the grounds.
When: 6:00 PM, Day 2
What: Harry runs into a string of bad luck.
Rating: R
Status: Complete

Fillet. )

[No Subject]

WHO: Morag and Kelly Travers
WHEN: 4: 01 pm, Day 2
WHERE: Kelly's office.
WHY?: Language
STATUS: Incomplete

i don't care if your world is ended today, because i wasn't invited to it anyway )

Day Change

October 29th, 2001 - Day Three

James Alderton will arrive at 6am on October 29th, 2001 and will be the new medi-wizard. He will have no formal entry.

Hannah Abbott and Callum Moon will arrive promptly at 8am, together, on October 29th, 2001. I will begin their arrival thread and posting order is up for grabs after that! Others are welcome to join in!


Weather Forecast

During the day, 67° and sunny and mild. High 74°. Low 63°. At night, 57° and clear with some blustery gusts of wind.

Sunrise: 6:22am
Sunset: 7:58pm


Therapist Appointments: None
Visitor Appointments: None


Friend Add/Other Updates

Please update your friends list(s) HERE; there should currently be 22 on your list. They will be staying in their ASSIGNED ROOMS. Also, check the contact list HERE and get the new people's AIM names! Go make friends!

Reminders/Things of Note

If anyone was paying attention on the second floor around 4pm on the 28th, they would have seen the resident Auror, Sirius Prewett, walking to the medi-wizard's station with a big gash in his cheek, which was bleeding quite heavily. Also, Arcturus Prewett will not be seen on the 29th until after 4pm.

Just for everyone to remember.. this game isn't book 6 & 7 cannon, so don't assume that everything that happened in books 6 & 7 happened in this game. It's a make-up-your-own-ending sort of game. If you have questions, the mods are here to help answer them! Don't be scared of us, we're mostly nice.

[No Subject]

Who: Emory Harper and Theodore Nott.
When: Day 3. October 29. 10am.
Where: Back of the library.
What: Emory is trying to sleep with no success. Theodore stumbles upon him.
Rating: R.
Status: Complete.

But behind his eyes he was, sadly, wide awake )