July 6th, 2009


[No Subject]

Who: Arcturus Prewett and Nicodemus Dax
When: 11:45 AM, Day 1
Where: Second floor.
What: Arcturus attempts to find Dax before the Seer finds his nephew.
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Almost secret. )



[No Subject]

Who: Zacharias Smith and Arcturus Prewett.
When: October 27. Day 1. 3:30 pm.
Where: Second Floor Hallway.
What: Zacharias runs into Arcturus and it does not a happy meeting make.
Rating: PG13 for language, certainly.
Status: Incomplete.

Pacing )

[No Subject]

Who: Theodore Nott and OPEN
When: 4pm, Day 1
Where: Stairs between Floor 1 and 2
What: Theodore has made himself at home
Rating: PG13
Status: Incomplete

Love on the High Seas )

[No Subject]

Who: Morag and Arcturus Prewett
When: 8 pm, Evening, Day 1
Where: Grounds
What: Morag's smoking...go fucking figure.
Rating: R because I've already said fuck once, and you can only say fuck once in PG13.
Status: complete

You see I cannot be forsaken, because I'm not the only one. We walk amongst you feeding, raping. Must we hide from everyone? )