Harry Potter and Vampires - Admin - Joining Post
Fangs for the memories :)

beren_writes posting in Harry Potter and Vampires
User: [info]hpvamp (posted by [info]beren_writes)
Date: 2007-08-03 11:58
Subject: Admin - Joining Post
Security: Public

Welcome to [info]hpvamp This is a community for all readers, writers, artists and those of us who adore the world of Harry Potter, but wish there were more of the un-dead lurking about! We take gen, het or slash all pairings and all ratings; the only restiction on content is that there is a vamp in the fic. The community has moderated membership because it may contain things of an adult nature. To join up please do the following:

1)Click the 'join' link (found in the userinfo)

2)Copy the following disclaimer (structure of which has been borrowed from the_pimp_cane) and fill in the correct bits:

I, (username) , member of hpvamp, am over the age of consent (insert age of consent)[if you do not know go with 18], in my region (insert name of region), and understand that the characters used herein are the property of J. K. Rowling et. al. I understand the content of the community is fanfic/art and that it will contain slash as well as het pairings. I have read the community policies, and shall abide by them.

3)Then post it as a comment to this entry.
One of the mods will then approve your membership. Please 'friends lock' all new NC-17 posts Thank you, my darlings.

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User: [info]bookworn80
Date: 2007-08-04 05:21 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

I,bookworn80 , member of hpvamp, am over the age of consent (18), in my region (CA, United States), and understand that the characters used herein are the property of J. K. Rowling et. al. I understand the content of the community is fanfic/art and that it will contain slash as well as het pairings. I have read the community policies, and shall abide by them.

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beren_writes: HP - Harry vamp
User: [info]beren_writes
Date: 2007-08-04 13:25 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)
Keyword:HP - Harry vamp

Hiya, please click the join link in the user into
and I'll be happy to approve you membership :)

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September 2011